Farmyard harmony & free range chooks


After the disaster of something getting in our chicken run during the day (twice) and killing a few each time, we decided they needed to be closer to us & the dogs. We tried setting the chickens free just below the house; a little worried about our largest dog, Zac's hunting instincts. All was good though; I think he had got used to seeing them so was really just interested in sniffing them and eating the food scraps we give the chickens. We then moved the chicken house to just above our outside sitting area,  and placed the dog kennel right next to it.  It involved Matt getting the digger in there and doing lots of strimming, but it really is the perfect spot for them; with forest to dig around in and they feel safe around us & the dogs. They are often around our terrace, pecking around, pooing everywhere (the downside!) and being rounded up by Zac & Tai!


We recently acquired 9 new chickens including 2 cockerels from friends who are going back to the UK. We already had 8 hens and 2 guinea fowl.


The guinea fowl like to peck on the kids bedroom window & peer in....


Dec 2015; we have 5 chicks! 1 black, 2 yellow and 2 white. Trying not to get too attached!